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About Us

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Headquartered in Anaheim, California, Butler-Justice, Inc. was founded over twenty-five years ago by Mike Butler and Mike Justice. The men pooled their expertise and talents to serve the needs of the aggregate production, construction materials industries, and the asphalt industry.

During the expanding economy of the nineties, the company opened additional offices in Northern and Southern California and Southern Nevada. We developed relationships with major suppliers to the aggregates industry, and became noted for our strengths in crushing, screening, mineral processing and asphalt emissions control.

In 2007 Mike Justice lost his three-year battle with ALS. Mike’s sudden illness coupled with prevailing brutal economic forces put the company into a mode of needing to re-invent itself for the future.

Today, a more streamlined Butler-Justice has emerged. We’ve strengthened and expanded relationships with major suppliers. We’ve added to our core team of qualified specialists in the industries served and are committed to being the best a what we do. We’re grateful for the relationships we’ve built with our customers, and our goal is to continue to be your go-to source for aggregate solutions in the years ahead. If you don’t know us yet, please give us a try. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Our Mission

Our clients range from small privately-owned plants to those with multiple sites. Everyone gets the same high level of service and support. We’re small enough to show how much we care, but big enough to be able to take care of the big problems out there. We keep prices down by staying lean, cutting costs where we can, and keeping our core of dedicated, experienced people.

We strive to capitalize on our four core strengths: 1) Our Exceptionally Qualified Team, 2) Our Deep Knowledge of Our Technologies and Markets, 3) Our Powerful Alliances with Manufacturers with Products that Fit Significant Needs, and 4) Our Willingness to Do Whatever it Takes to Solve Our Customers’ Needs.

Our People

We seek out people to work with us who are genuinely interested in solving our customers problems. We train them well–both on the job and with manufacturer-specialized training.

We nurture their skills and support them in every way to succeed at their jobs. In that way, we give our customers the best of the best service and support so that their needs are met; but also, our employees achieve a high degree of success and proficiency in their careers with us. If they’re successful, and our customers are successful then we are successful.

Our History

We’ve been at this a long time. Mike Butler has been serving the asphalt emissions control industry for a decade and a half. The Butler-Justice team has been at this for over twenty-five years.

We know the needs of our customers, from the owners to the guy maintaining the plant. We relate to them all, and work toward satisfying their needs at every aspect of plant operation.

Our customers tell us that they really like how we build relationships and listen. We don’t put forth a lot of rhetoric; we just get the job done. As far as asphalt emissions control, what we call Blue Smoke Control and X-VOCs Odor and VOC Control, there is probably no one the planet more knowledgeable or experienced in solutions as we are.


We have worked long and diligently to achieve the most advance technology, highest credibility and number of successful installations. We continue to advance the art and science of asphalt emissions control so that we will remain a leader and trailblazer in this arena.


Blue Smoke Control is rated Best Available Control Technology (BACT) by the Air Quality Districts. Our clients continue to be awarded high praise for their ability, with our technology, to fit in within their communities – frequently urban environments where being a good neighbor is so vitally important. We’re proud to be a part of that effort.